Not a Christmas Card Ending
Javier and María and their three children had fled violence in El Salvador, and had ultimately traveled thousands of miles seeking a better life. I first encountered this family a few years ago, when around 10 p.m. the rectory doorbell rang. It was a police officer. He explained to me that he had a family in the lobby of the police station that had nowhere to go. I accompanied the police officer to the station where I was introduced to Javier, María, and their three small children. They had literally no where to go. The police officers at the station had been incredibly kind and hospitable, giving this family food and even giving the children crayons and coloring books. My parish had an arrangement with the local St. Vincent de Paul society, to provide temporary housing in a local hotel. And so we were able to arrange for this family to spend a few nights in a hotel while the folks at St. Vincent de Paul went about there difficult task of securing emergency ho...