
Showing posts from October, 2020

First Blog in a Long, Long Time. But a New Papal Encyclical is a Worthy Occasion to Write

    I have not written a blog post in years. It was not really a conscious plan as much as focusing my attention elsewhere. I had gone back and re-read some of my comments on Laudatio Si from five years ago and thought it appropriate to offer some feedback on the new papal encyclical letter: On Fraternity and Social Friendship .  I am not one to criticize the Pope, other than stylistically. Pope Francis sometimes writes without the theological precision that I prefer. But as Pope, Jesus Christ’s Vicar on Earth, Francis’ words are consequential.  Here are some important points Pope Francis makes in Fratelli Tutti:      People are made in God’s image and likeness and have inherent dignity. (n. 39) “[I]t is important that catechesis and preaching speak more directly and clearly about the social meaning of existence, the fraternal dimension of spirituality, our conviction of the inalienable dignity of each person, and our reasons for loving and accepting ...