
Showing posts from November, 2020

The So-Called McCarrick Report Has Landed

The so-called McCarrick Report has landed. So far, not with as much press coverage as one would expect. But that will happen in time. Because the tremors are about to get stronger, and the shockwaves will follow. The full report is called, “REPORT ON THE HOLY SEE’S INSTITUTIONAL KNOWLEDGE AND DECISION-MAKING RELATED TO FORMER CARDINAL THEODORE EDGAR MCCARRICK, 1930-2017.” And as John Allen recently opined, this is an unprecedented public self-reckoning by the Church that cannot be walked-back.  This degree of transparency is, indeed, unsettling but so necessary. Without acknowledgment of sin, how can penances occur? More so, when the sins are ecclesial. Perhaps none of us will be surprised at this point that tremendous evil occurred within the Church, perpetrated by shepherds called to imitate Christ. But instead, these shepherds imitated the Devil. And how do we characterize those shepherds who knew this evil was occurring and allowed it to continue? This report names names and li...