The Fruit of the Catholic Church's 30+ Year Romance of Social Conservative Politics

 This needs to be said. Not all Catholics are celebrating the end of Roe v. Wade.

While most US Catholic bishop, priests, and Catholic media are celebrating the Supreme Court’s overturning of Row v. Wade, there are a lot of Catholics who are not celebrating.

For more than thirty years, abortion has been the dominant issue--almost the only issue--the Catholic Bishops and Catholic media talk about in the American public square. It has been preached from the pulpits, the TV, and the radio, that banning abortion is the panacea to all perceived woes. And it has overshadowed issues such as racism, sexism, economic disparity, access to healthcare, housing, childcare and living wages, the problem of gun violence, the disease of addiction...

Catholic politicians could and did  promote the death penalty; they closed polling places in minority districts; were as hawkish on warfare as they could be, and railed against immigrants and still received by-and-large a big stamp of approval from the US Bishops and the Catholic media--just so long as they opposed abortion.

For 35 years at least, it has seemed as though nothing else came close to the importance that the US Bishops gave to stopping abortion, pushing to overturn Roe v. Wade. Now they have obtained what they wanted: an undemocratic imposition of a conservative Catholic teaching on a pluralistic secular society.

But America is not a theocracy. A true culture of life gives people the means to make life-affirming decisions at every stage of their lives, through persuasion, not coercion. 

Remember, the doors to the Church open both ways. My prediction is after Friday’s Supreme Court ruling, a lot of Catholics are going to exit the Church.

I think Catholics and other Christians who are applauding the Court ruling are ignoring the further division in American society this will cause.

Close to half of US Catholics disagree with the Supreme Court ruling.

And it needs to be restated, this has been a very selective imposition of Catholic values onto American jurisprudence— no to abortion but apparently yes to guns and the death penalty. Yes to environmental degradation. Yes to racism, homophobia, and sexism. A very lopsided imposition of conservative Catholic values. Also note, no one ever restricts anything having to do with straight male sexual expression—sex trafficking and porn is at an all-time high, for example.

I have no doubt that more people will leave the Catholic Church over this... because there are a lot of pro-choice Catholics, who feel their perspective has been ignored, and that this approach will ultimately be destructive to women's rights, bodily autonomy, and democratic principles.


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